This is an interview with this person
I hope you enjoy this interview.

1. When did you start making poops and/or what was the first poop you saw?
The first Poop I saw was in 2009, a Chowder Youtube Poop called "YTP: I So Wanna Kiss You." I thought it was hilarious so I began to watch more and more until I was a fanboy of it.
However, I didn't make my first poop until 2011, when I watch Stuart K. Reilly's video on Movie Maker plug ins, I grabbed a few of those and began my pooping career.
2. Do you have any inspirations and/or did anyone inspire YOU? If so, can you tell me who?
Stuart K Reilly inspired me to poop, and he's a big inspiration for pooping as well. Others include Whelt, BoogityBoo, The Electric Cheese, AbsoluteBillion, MountainDewwMann, Mowub and MrVanderSchmere.
3. Who is your most favorite and/or least favorite pooper?
Favorite: Whelt
Least Favorite: 95Shade
4. What was/were the best collaboration(s) you've ever participated in/made?
Out of the three collabs that were successful, I enjoy my Danny Wells memorial the most. The rest are mediocre.
5. Looking back from your videos towards now, would you say that you made a big step in progress?
Yes. If I was still doing what I was doing in 011', I'd still be on Movie Maker.
6. What is your opinion on YouChew in general?
I enjoy using it, there's a lot of neat people here.
7. One more thing: May Iee have a driiiiink?
Do you perhaps drink new Volvic Revive? It's got ginseng and guarana, and will help keep you ALERT!